
The Holy Trinity of Finances

by: Tim Schuster How managing your finances is about more than being practical, it’s also about understanding and acknowledging the emotional and spiritual side of money … the “financial trinity” if you will.   Money Is Practical There is a rational and logical side to money. Money comes in. Money goes out. It adds up. […]

Monopoly, Money, and Marriage “I will buy water works from you for $250,” my husband offered.  We were playing our first family game of Monopoly.  Sitting around the board was my daughter who is eight, my son who is ten, my husband Brad, and myself.  Having played board games with my husband for 13 plus years, I knew what kind […]

Financial Infidelity: 4 Steps for Healing Marriages Torn by Finances

by  Brian Robson The Simple Dollar “…for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer…” Millions of Americans make those vows each year, but an alarming number of marriages end in divorce. In fact, it’s been estimated that the percentage of marriages ending in divorce could be as high as 40-50%. Of those unfortunate outcomes, a […]