Archive for 2022

Got Stress? What to do about it!

It’s a stressful time in our world, in our jobs, in our families, and between our ears. How does it affect relationships? It affects everybody differently. How does it affect you personally? How does it affect your partner? Your relationship? How does it show up? If partners can share with each other what’s helpful and […]

4 Things That Happen When You Stop Trying to Change Each Other

prepare-enrich Licking your elbow. Herding cats. Nailing jello to the wall. All things that could be considered a waste of time and effort. Let’s add changing your spouse’s personality to that list. Here’s the thing: your personality doesn’t really change. It tends to stay stable over time, which makes sense. It’s what makes you you. […]

The Promises We Make

“When we make a promise, we steal some of the uncertainty from our unknown tomorrows.” Greg Hunt, Ph.D Download worksheet for couples: The Promises We Make Enroll in the online course for $10 (limited time!)  The Promises We Make