Archive for 2022

Don’t Lose Your Self in Your Relationship

You’re afraid you’ll lose your self in your relationship. Today is Independence Day for the United States. It occurred to me that independence has played a role in Greg’s and my marriage as well – and not for the better. Let’s take a look at independence vs interdependence in relationships. Independence I know something about […]

5 Promises of Radical Commitment“When we make a promise, we steal some of the uncertainty from our unknown tomorrows.”                                       Greg Hunt, PhD   Introduction We make promises to each other to express our commitment. Throughout our relationship we’ve made and kept […]

My Commitment: I Promise to Choose You First

by David Steele I promise to choose you first. . . what does that commitment mean? With all of the distractions, obligations, and personal pursuits in life, it can seem difficult to prioritize your partner. In fact, some believe it is downright impossible. Huh? So, how can I possibly choose my partner first? What about […]