relationship help

I Understand Everything

Leo Tolstoy said “All, everything I understand, I understand only because of love.” The goal of listening is to understand what the other person is expressing. Seems like a simple goal, but why is it so difficult? If we listen with love, truly opening ourselves to the message our partner wants us to understand, both […]

Because I Have a Brain. . .

Robert Browning said “Where my heart lies, let my brain lie also.” Because I have a brain, because I love you. . . I’ll think before I speak I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt I’ll think of new ways to express it I’ll remember the little things that make you feel loved I’ll […]

How to Deal With Your Partner’s Snoring?

John Breese So, you’ve met someone special, and you quickly fell into each other. Everything was going perfectly until the first night in the same bed, when you discovered that your loved one is as loud as a chainsaw. Snoring is a common problem, indeed. But that surely doesn’t mean you need to end […]