
Holidaze Eminent

by Eddie and Sylvia Robertson adapted from Wonderful Wednesdays We are experiencing the most holiday packed time of year. It is a time filled with activities and emotions. We each have expectations, and others have expectations of us. There is a whirlwind of activities from Thanksgiving travel to Christmas parties for every group where we […]

Resolutions: New Year’s and Beyond

“We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.”                                                                               Hillary DePiano, New Year’s Thieve Patterns of behavior are very hard to change.  We are more likely to achieve our resolutions and goals if we have the support and encouragement of others. Many people who make a […]

10 Ways to Make the New Year a Relationship Game Changer

by Priscilla Hunt, Specialist in Marriage Enrichment New Year’s Resolutions sometimes get a bad rap. Often, they’re the butt of jokes and we get the message that we’re expected to fail after the first week of the new year. But, Greg and I know that if you don’t have a plan, you surely […]