
The 15-Second Date Night: Thoughts on Liftoffs and Landings

By: It doesn’t take much to throw off a good date night routine. Marc and I can be on a roll for months… keeping to our weekly quality time like a paperboy does his Sunday route. But, then, a few schedule changes, unexpected commitments and business travel come along and it all goes down the […]

Creating the Date Night Habit

Written by Kristen Manieri We humans live a well-worn path, often living the same life over and over, day after day. It takes true effort to blaze a new trail because we’re simply not wired for change; we’re wired for habit. Our brains like reliability and consistently. This is why creating a new practice, […]

5 Tips to Fortify Your Partnership

by Daryl Fletcher Relationship Strategist & Life Coach   Because all relationships grow and change over time, even if you have a great relationship, there may be times when you feel like your bond could be stronger. Consider these tips to fortify your partnership: Take your partner’s side. To continue to grow an enriching, […]