
Millennial Mind: Marriage Affected by Mindset

by Dr. Mike Ronsisvalle, for Florida Today   Let’s take a little marriage quiz to get a quick check on the status of your relationship. Think back to the early days of dating and consider what it was like to date, fall in love, get married and live as newlyweds. Did you guys have fun […]

Can Simply Being Positive Improve Your Relationship?

from National Healthy Marriage Resource Center The impact of positive thinking has been touted by generations of business leaders, athletes, psychologists, and self-help gurus. One would think with all the emphasis on positive thinking, we would be flooded with positive thoughts. Unfortunately for most people, that’s simply not the case. How can we learn to […]

70 ways boredom can kill a marriage (and women are more likely to lose interest than men)

By Fiona Macrae for the Daily Mail Stale mates: The research showed that while men are more likely to be bored with a partner outside of marriage, for those couples who had tied the knot the roles reversed Women are more likely to become bored in a marriage than men, according to a study. The […]