relationship tips

Couple-time Together

Adapted from an article by Dr. Jackie Black, faculty member of the Close Companions Online Relationship Academy Couple-time Together Couple-time together. . . sounds good, doesn’t it? If you are in the majority of contemporary, committed couples, you probably spend more time watching television than you do spending yummy, alone-time with your partner. Questions to consider 1. […]

Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Introduction It’s that time of year – Valentine’s Day! Stumped for how to make it special? Here are 30 simple ideas to get your creative thoughts and ideas flowing. Plan a romantic dinner at home or at a nice restaurant. Write a heartfelt love letter or create a heartfelt video message. Plan a surprise weekend […]

The Tug-of-war of Our Differences

Priscilla Hunt, CRCC We want to be on the same page. Our desire is to work together and function as a team. But our differences keep us stuck. So we’re in a constant tug-of-war over the simplest decision about what to do with a free Saturday. To illustrate, he wants to go out to a […]