marriage help

Beyond “Happily Ever After”

by David Steele, Founder of Relationship Coaching Institute “What you can conceive you can achieve.” — Napoleon Hill As couples we want to live “happily ever after” and achieve our dreams. This is cool, but there are big limits to dreaming- You might have a desire (“love”) but not a clear idea or dream or […]

7 Steps to Nailing Your Goals

Priscilla Hunt, Certified Relationship Coach for Couples How about a checkup on your progress on your New Year’s Resolutions? How are you doing? Which can you say: “Nailed it!” “Baby steps.” “What resolutions?” No pressure here – or judgment. It’s simply a question for you to ask yourself. Here are 7 steps to increase the […]

New Year’s Resolutions for Couples

Priscilla Hunt, Certified Relationship Coach for Couples The idea of New Year’s Resolutions for couples isn’t a mystery. We simply take stock of where we are and determine where we want to be. We don’t have to vow to change the world or make a breakthrough discovery or invention. We don’t have to give our […]